Registered user since Mon 13 Jun 2016
Name:Andreas Zeller
Andreas Zeller is a full professor for Software Engineering at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany. His research concerns the analysis of complex software systems, their security properties, and their development process. His students are funded by companies like Google, Microsoft, or SAP. In 2010, Zeller was inducted as Fellow of the ACM for his contributions to automated debugging and mining software archives. In 2011, he received an ERC Advanced Grant, Europe’s highest and most prestigious individual research grant, for work on specification mining and test case generation. In 2013, he co-founded Testfabrik AG, a start-up for automatic testing of Web applications.
Affiliation:Saarland University
Personal website: https://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/zeller/
Research interests:Software Analysis and Testing, Automated Debugging, Mining Software Archives, Specification Mining, Test Case Generation
PLDI, ECOOP, Curry On, DEBS, LCTES and ISMM-profile
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