PLDI hosts the following workshops:
- ARRAY — Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming
- DWS — Deep Specifications in the Wild
- FMS — Formal Methods for Security
- IC — Incremental Computing
- MAPL — Machine Learning and Programming Languages
- PLMW — Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop
- SOAP — State of the Art in Program Analysis
Check individual workshop pages for detailed descriptions and calls.
Call for Workshops and Tutorials
PLDI 2017 will host co-located workshops and tutorials. Tentatively, workshops and tutorials will be held on June 18 (Sunday) before the conference and on June 22, 23 (Thursday, Friday) after the conference. Take your chance in addressing the diverse audience of the premier forum in programming language design and implementation by proposing your event.
A workshop or tutorial proposal should provide the following information.
- Name of the workshop/tutorial.
- Duration of the workshop/tutorial.
- Organizers: names, affiliation, contact information, brief (100 words) biography.
- A short description (150-200 words) of the topic.
- Event format: workshop/tutorial; type of submissions if any; review process; results dissemination; references to previous events.
- Expected attendance and target audience within PLDI community.
Submission and Review
Please submit your proposals to the Workshop and Tutorials Chair, Aaron Smith <aaron.smith at microsoft dot com> as plain text. Workshops that would like their proceedings included in the ACM Digital Library must submit a proposal by November 28. We will notify workshop/tutorial acceptance status by December 9. Proposals for co-located workshops/tutorials without formal proceedings will be accepted until January 30. Please consider submitting your proposal as early as possible.
Proposals will be evaluated according to the relevance of the topic, the expertise and experience of the workshop organizers, and its potential to attract participants. The number of accepted workshops will be limited by the available conference rooms. Proposals for unpublished workshops/tutorials submitted after November 28 will be evaluated on the fly and on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Proposal submission: November 28
- Acceptance notification: December 9
- Late proposal submission for unpublished events: January 30
A proposal should clearly state how the results of the workshop — i.e., the papers and other outcomes — will be made available to participants and others, both before and after the workshop event. The Workshops and Tutorials Chair will provide guidance to the organizers of accepted workshops that wish to publish proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. For those that choose to publish their papers in ACM Digital Library, please list the following in the workshop call for papers and on the website.
AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)