Registered user since Thu 18 May 2017
Academic Background:
2015 – : PhD student at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) – École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Beyrouth (ESIB) in Lebanon:
Study and development of formal methods capable of providing concurrent Scala code which is correct-by-construction
Thesis Director: Prof. Dani Mezher.
Doctoral School: Département des études doctorales de l’ESIB.
Laboratory: Centre d’Informatique, de Modélisation et de Technologies de l’Information (CIMTI).
2015 – : Part time instructor at USJ – ESIB:
Object-Oriented Programming in C++
Functional Programming in Scala
Supervision of student Final Year Projects (FYPs) in cooperation with Murex S.A.S.
2016 – 2017 : Studied pedagogical practices at USJ: “Pratiques pédagogiques: démarche qualité dans l’enseignement au supérieur”
2007 – 2012: Graduated as Computer and Communications Engineer from USJ – ESIB.
- Graduated as the Top Student (“Major de Promotion”) of the Electro-Mechanical department.
This honor was achieved despite the time constraints imposed by my part-time work at Murex S.A.S.
As a result, received the award Murex for Excellence offered by Murex S.A.S.
- Final Year Project (FYP):
“iGraph: an iPad application allowing students to interactively learn graph algorithms.”
Supervisor: Prof. Dani Mezher
The project, implemented with the help of my classmate, was awarded the highest grade in the computer and communications engineering section.
Industrial Experience:
2012 – 2015 : Software Engineer, Murex S.A.S.
Exceeded expectations at work in all the company’s annual reviews (end of 2014 & end of 2013).
Former member of one of the leading development teams in the Paris office.
Was stationed, by personal choice, in the Beirut office: worked remotely & traveled regularly to the Paris office.
Agile development of a key real-time, distributed financial computation framework.
The Design and implementation (in Java and C++) of innovative architectural, structural & algorithmic solutions.
The Study of several open source implementations such as Twitter’s Future Scala API.
Was assigned, after declaring my intention to pursue doctoral studies, a Research & Development (R&D) project aimed at optimizing the execution time required to analyze big data stored in a relational database. The project supervisors were quite satisfied with the work that was accomplished.
Currently following the “Functional Programming in Scala” Coursera specialization by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Earned the certificate for the first course in this specialization.
2011 – 2012: Worked, during the 5th and final academic year, as a part-time software engineer at Murex S.A.S.
Worked with members of a Beirut office development team.
Maintained and developed a testing tool written in Java and Groovy.
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